Web Abbreviations beginning G

· GFC Global Financial Crisis
· GFETE Grinning From Ear To Ear
· GFF Grenade Free Foundation
· GFI Go For It
· GFN Gone For Now
· GFP Good For Pics
· GFTW Go For The Win
· GFU Good For You
· GFWL Games For Windows Live
· GFX Graphics
· GFY Good For You
· GG Good Game
· GGA Good Game All
· GGBB Good Game Bye Bye
· GGG Good, Giving, and Game (in bed)
· GGL Giggle
· GGN Gotta Go Now
· GGNORE Good Game No Rematch
· GGOH Gotta Get Outta Here
· GGS Good Games
· GGW Girls Gone Wild
· GGWP Good Game, Well Played
· GH Guitar Hero
· GHB Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (drug)
· GHD Good Hair Day
· GHM God Help Me
· GHOST Leaving
· GHZ Gigahertz
· GI Government Issue
American Solider
Good Idea
· GIEF Give
· GIF Graphics Interchange Format - Picture Format

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