The slang word / acronym / abbreviation GIF

What does GIF mean?

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What is GIF?

GIF is "Graphics Interchange Format - Picture Format"

GIF Definition / GIF Means

The definition of GIF is "Graphics Interchange Format - Picture Format"

The Meaning of GIF

GIF means "Graphics Interchange Format - Picture Format"
So now you know - GIF means "Graphics Interchange Format - Picture Format" - don't thank us. YW!
What does GIF mean? GIF is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the GIF definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'graphics':
· AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
· ATI Array Technology Inc. (graphics card maker)
· CG Computer Graphics
· CGA Color Graphics Adapter
· GFX Graphics
· GPU Graphics Processing Unit
· VGA Video Graphics Array/Adaptor
· XGA eXtended Graphics Array/Adaptor
Other terms relating to 'interchange':
· ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Other terms relating to 'format':
· AVI Audio Video Interleaved (media format)
· BMP Image file format (bitmap)
· DIVX Video format
· JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
Image file format
· JPG Image file format
· MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
Audio/visual file format
· PDF Portable Document Format
· PNG Image file format
· XVID Video format
Other terms relating to 'picture':
· ASLP Age, Sex, Location, Picture?
· EMOJI Tiny Pictures Used In Texts To Communicate A Feeling Or A Concept
· GPOY Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself
· GPOYW Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself Wednesday
· LOLCAT Cat picture with silly caption
· MPAA Motion Picture Assosciation of America
· MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
Audio/visual file format
· MUGSHOT Head and shoulders picture
· NPNT No Picture, No Talk
· PAP Post A Picture
· PC 4 PC Picture Comment For Picture Comment
· PC4PC Picture Comment For Picture Comment.
· PFP Picture For Proof
· PIC Picture
Partner In Crime
· PIX Pictures
· SELCA Self Cam picture
· SELFIE Picture of yourself, usually taken by yourself
· THUMBNAIL Small version of a picture
· TTIUWP This Thread Is Useless Without Pictures
· TTIWWP This Thread Is Worthless Without Pictures
· TWITCON Profile picture on Twitter


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