Web Abbreviations beginning C

· COUGAR Older woman looking for a younger man
· COUGER Older woman looking for a younger man
· COUGH Confess, come clean
· COUPLE Two people in a relationship
· COURSE Of course, certainly
· COW Offensive term for a woman
· COYB Come On You Blues
· COYBIG Come On You Boys In Green
· COYG Come On You Gunners
· COYOTE Person who smuggles immigrants
· COYR Come On You Reds
· COYS Come On You Spurs
· COZ Because
· CPC Cost Per Click
· CPI Consumer Price Index
· CPL Cyberathlete Professional League (gaming)
· CPM Cost Per Thousand
· CPP C Plus Plus, C++ (programming language)
· CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
· CPT Colored People's Time
· CPU Central Processing Unit
· CQB Close Quarters Battle
· CQC Close Quarters Combat
· CQTM Chuckle Quietly To Myself
· CQTMS Chuckle Quietly To Myself
· CR Credit
Carriage Return
· CRAB Derogatory word for a CRIP
· CRACK A form of cocaine
· CRACKA Offensive term for a white person
· CRAIC Good times/gossip/music/drinking (Irish)
· CRAY Crazy

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