The slang word / acronym / abbreviation COP

What does COP mean?

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What is COP?

COP is "Officer of the law" or "Close of Play"

COP Definition / COP Means

The definition of COP is "Officer of the law" or "Close of Play"

The Meaning of COP

COP means "Officer of the law" or "Close of Play"
So now you know - COP means "Officer of the law" or "Close of Play" - don't thank us. YW!
What does COP mean? COP is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the COP definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'officer':
· CEO Chief Executive Officer
· CFO Chief Financial Officer
· CLEO Chief Law Enforcement Officer
· CO Commanding Officer
Corrections Officer
Counter Offer
· GRO Guest Relations Officer
· JROTC Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
· LEO Law Enforcement Officer
· NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
· PIG Police officer
· POPO Police Officer(s)
· ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps
· SOW Female police officer
Other terms relating to 'close':
· AINEC And It's Not Even Close
· BCD Behind Closed Doors
· BREDRINS Close friends, brothers
· C.O.B Close of Business
· CAS Close Air Support
Confidence, Appearance, Swagger
Creativity, Action, Service
· CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
· CME Close My Eyes
· CQB Close Quarters Battle
· CQC Close Quarters Combat
· CUG Closed User Group
· DAWG Close Friend
· FAMALAM Family, close friend
· FAMBO Family, close friend
· FELLAS Close friends
· HOMEBOY Closest friend
· HOMEGIRL Closest female friend
· HOMIES Group Of Close Friends
· SON Close Friend
· TCFC Too Close For Comfort
· TCTC To Close To Call
· TIGHT Close
· UC&P Up Close and Personal
· UCAP Up Close and Personal
· WC Welcome
Water Closet, toilet
Other terms relating to 'play':
· AWNP All Work, No Play
· BALLER Successful ball player
· BALLIN Playing basketball
Living the good life
· BANTER Playful, witty chat
· BUSKING Playing music in public for money
· CAMPER Player who lies in wait for a target
· CHOOB High level player who acts like a noob
· COSPLAY Costume Play
· EP Extended Play
· F2P Free To Play
Files To Peers
· FP Fair Play
· FROOB Free Noob. Non-paying player
· GAMER Person who plays video games
· GGWP Good Game, Well Played
· IPOD MP3 player from Apple
· JP Just Playin'
· JPA Just Playing Around
· JRPG Japanese Role Playing Game
· L2P Learn To Play
· L2PK Learn To Player Kill
· LARP Live Action Role Play
· LP Long Play (record)
· MULTI Player with multiple online accounts
· MVP Most Valuable Player
· NPC Non Player Character (MMORPG)
· P&P Party And Play
Postage And Packaging
· P2P Peer To Peer
Pay To Play
· PIBE Play It By Ear
· PK Player Kill (MMORPG)
· PNP Party and Play
· POOL SHARK Good pool player
· PS 4 Potato Station 4 (Playstation 4)
· PS2 Play Station 2
· PS3 Play Station 3
· PS4 PlayStation 4
· PSFN Play some fortnite
· PSN Playstation Network
· PSP PlayStation Portable
· PSX Playstation X
· PTP Pay To Play
Peer To Peer
· PTW Play To Win
Professional Time Waster
· PVE Player versus Environment (MMORPG)
· PVM Player Versus Monster
· PVP Player v Player
· PYP Play Your Position
· RP Role Play
· RPC Role Playing Chat
· RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade
Role Playing Game
· TFP Thanks For Playing
· VWP Very Well Played
Very Well Put
· WALLHAX Wall hack (allows a player to walk through walls)
· WH Wall hack (allows a player to walk through walls)
· WHPH Work Hard, Play Hard
· WMP Windows Media Player
With Much Pleasure
· WP Wrong Person
Well Played


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