The slang word / acronym / abbreviation MEME

What does MEME mean?

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What is MEME?

MEME is "An idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc"

MEME Definition / MEME Means

The definition of MEME is "An idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc"

The Meaning of MEME

MEME means "An idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc"
So now you know - MEME means "An idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc" - don't thank us. YW!
What does MEME mean? MEME is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the MEME definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'idea':
· GI Government Issue
American Solider
Good Idea
· IHNI I Have No Idea
· NFI No Freakin Idea
· NI No Idea
· YGTI You Get The Idea
· YHNI You Have No Idea
Other terms relating to 'that':
· /AC Anti-Capitalist. Used to preface the posting of a comment or article that is im
· ACME A Company that Makes Everything
· ADEROL Drug that helps you focus
· ASAT As Simple As That
· ATTT Ain't That The Truth
· BEAST Person/thing that is good, awesome
· BOOMER An old person that knows nothing about the internet
· BTAIM Be That As It May
· BTDT Been There Done That
· BTDTGTTS Been There, Done That, Got The T-Shirt
· BURNER temporary mobile phone that you can throw away so it doesn't get tracked
· BYKT But You Know That
· C1 Affirmative, Roger that
· COALBURNER White woman that dates black men
· COPY THAT I understand
· COPYPASTA Post that has been copied and pasted
· CUTE Someone/thing that is attrative in an innocent way
· DAMHIKT Don't Ask Me How I Know That/This
· DAT That
· DBGD Death By Google Doc (putting things into a Google Doc thinking that gets things done)
· DDT Don't Do That
· DOWNER Someone or something that brings the mood down
· DTMS Does That Make Sense?
· DTT Don't Touch That
· DYKT Did You Know That?
· FBTW Fine, Be That Way
· FTFY Fixed That For You
· GIWIST Gee, I Wish I'd Said That.
· GLWT Good Luck With That
· HBT How 'Bout That
· HCIT How Cool Is That?
· HDTH How Did That Happen?
· HDYDT How Did You Do That?
· HIWTH Hate It When That Happens
· HJNTIY He's Just Not That Into You
· HSIT How Sad Is That
· HTH Hope That Helps
How The Hell
· IALTO I Always Love That One
· IARKT i already know that
· IAWTC I Agree With That/This Comment
· ICBSST I Can't Believe She Said That
· IDLT I Don't Like That
· IE Id Est (that is)
Internet Explorer
· IKT I Knew That
· IKTR I Know That's Right
· ILT I Like That
· ITC In This Channel
In That Case
· ITMA It's That Man Again
· ITWYM Is That What You Mean?
· IYBTYBA If You Believe That, You'll Believe Anything
· IYTT If You Think That
· JLT Just like that
· LMGTFY Let Me Google That For You
· MOTWYW Make Of That What You Will
· NALOPKT Not A Lot Of People Know That.
· NHFT Not Here For That
· NHTB Never Heard That Before
· NITW Not In That Way
· NNITO Not Necessarily In That Order
· NO-BRAINER Something that requires no thought before deciding
· NQAT No Question About That
· NTB Not That Bothered
Not Too Bad
· NTT Name That Tune
Not Touching That!
· NTTAWWT Not That There's Anything Wrong With That
· OSLT Or Something Like That
· OTN On That Note
· OWTTE Or Words To That Effect
· PHWOAR Acknowledgement that a person is fit, sexy,hot
· PTB Powers That Be
Pass The Buck
Please Text Back
· ROGER THAT I Understand, OK
· SBT Sorry 'Bout That
· SMFT So Much For That
· SOK That's OK
· TAFN That's All For Now
· TAHT That
· TAMW That Awkward Moment When ...
· TBTP That's Beside The Point
· TFM2KAU2FO That's For Me to Know And You To Find Out
· TFMTK That's For Me To Know
· TGFT Thank God For That
· THT  That
· TIF That Is Funny
· TIFN That's It For Now
· TIMO that is my opinion
· TINWIS That Is Not What I Said
· TIRF That/This Is Really Funny
· TISA That Is So Awesome
· TISNF That is so not fair
· TMLO That Means Lay Off
· TMMS That Made Me Smile
· TNF That's Not Funny
· TNOT Take Note Of That
· TNTM That's News To Me
· TOTGA The One That Got Away
· TPTB The Powers That Be
· TRM That Reminds Me
· TRU DAT That is True, I agree
· TSF That's So Funny
· TTOTM That Time Of The Month
· TWF That Was Funny
· TWFAF That's What Friends Are For
· TWHS That's What He Said
· TWID That's What I Do
· TWIH That's Why I'm Here
· TWITA That's What I'm Talking About
· TWSS That's What She Said
· TWU That's What's Up
· TWYMS That's What Your Mom Said
· UKT You Know That
· WDITOT Why Didn't I Think Of That
· WDTM What Does That Mean?
· WDYDT Why Did You Do That?
What Did You Do Today?
· WDYMBT What Do You Mean By That?
· WTBS With That Being Said
· WTDTA Where They Do That At?
· WTHIT What The Hell Is That?
· WUWT What's Up With That
· WWYDT Why Would You Do That?
· WYLABOCTGWTR Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With That Remark?
· WYLASOMWTC Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With That Comment?
· WYLSCWTW Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?
· YDMT You Don't Mean That
· YGTR You Got That Right
· YSMTU You So Made That Up
Other terms relating to 'like':
· 420 FRIENDLY Person who likes smoking pot
· BCE Before Common Era (like BC)
· BFFLE Best Friends For Like Ever
· BGL Big Game License, likes fat people
· BILB Bend It lIke Beckham
· BLG Boys Like Girls (band)
· BRODA Bro Who Is Like Yoda
· CHOOB High level player who acts like a noob
· DEALING Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend
Selling drugs
· DFLI Don't Feel Like It
· DIG Understand
Enjoy, like
· DILLIC Does It Look Like I Care
· DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Darn?
· DYL Do You Like...?
· E> Heart like <3
· ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5
· FREEBSD Free Berkeley Software Distribution (Unix like OS)
· GLAG Giggling Like A Girl
· GLU Guys/Girsl Like Us
· IDFLI I Don't Feel Like It
· IDL I Don't Like ...
· IDLI I Don't Like It
· IDLT I Don't Like That
· IDLTW I don't like this website.
· IKLY I Kinda Like You
· ILT I Like That
· ILYLAS I Love You Like A Sister
· IRLY I Really Like You
· IYQ I Like You
· JLT Just like that
· LDO Like Duh, Obviously
· LHYW Like Hell You Will
· LIC Like I Care
· LIEK Like
· LIKE Introduction to a quote
same as UM
· LILABOC Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates
· LLC Limited Liability Company
Laughing Like Crazy
· LLH Laughing Like Hell
· LMS Like My Status
Last Man Standing
· LNIB Like New In Box
· LULAB Love You Like A Brother
· LULAS Love You Like A Sister
· LYKE Like
· LYLAB Love You Like A Brother
· LYLAF Love You Like A Friend
· LYLAS Love You Like A Sister
· LYLC Love You Like Crazy
· LYLMB Love You Like My Brother
· ME GUSTA I like (Spanish)
· MEETER Person who likes to look at fat men
· MLYP Much Like Your Post
· NILF <-- Click To View
· NOLY No One Likes You
· OSLT Or Something Like That
· OTL like ORZ stick figure on hands and knees
Out To Lunch
· OWLING Crouching and staring like an owl
· PANTHER Woman who likes older men
· PLU People Like Us
· PSA. Please See Attached - Used in company Emails, much like PSB
· RIYL Recommended If You Like
· RLAB Roll Like A Buffalo
· SLAP Sounds Like A Plan
· SLF Sounds Like Fun
· SWEAT Like, love
· SWPL Stuff White People Like
· T(“ T) Emoticon looking like someone holding up their middle fingers
· TILII Tell It Like It Is
· TOMBOY Girl who behaves like a boy
· TQM Te Quiero Mucho (I Like You A Lot)
· VJ Video Jockey (like DJ with lights and video)
· WHITEWASH Act like a white person
· WLTM Would Like To Meet
· WYL Whatever You Like
· WYLABOCTGWTR Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With That Remark?
· WYLASOMWTC Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With That Comment?
· WYLION Whether You Like It Or Not
· WYLSCWTW Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?
· YQ I Like You
Other terms relating to 'virus':
· H1N1 Swine flu virus
· HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
· HSV2 Herpes Simplex Virus 2
Other terms relating to 'word':
· & Ampersand
Represents The Word 'And'
· 1234 1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you (I Love You)
· 143 I Love You (letters in each word)
· 14344 I Love You Very Much (letters in each word)
· 153 I Adore You (letters in each word)
· 3436 I'll Love You Always (number of letters in each word)
· 381 I Love You (3 words, 8 letters, 1 meaning)
· 637 Always and Forever (letters in each word)
· 721 Love You (7 letters, 2 words, 1 meaning)
· 831 I Love You (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning)
· ANFAWFOS And Now For A Word From Our Sponsor
· ASDFGHJKL;' When A Feeling Cannot Be Expressed In Words
Home Keys On Standard Keyboard
· BOBBA Replacement swear word
· CRAB Derogatory word for a CRIP
· FLW Famous Last Words
· FRAK Swear word from Battlestar Galactica
· FROG Offensive word for a French person
· IOW In Other Words
· MERP Meaningless word for when you don't know what else to say
· MTW Mum's the Word
· NAFF Poor quality, uncool
Substitute swear word
· NSAW Not Saying A Word
· OOPS Word said after doing something wrong
· OWTTE Or Words To That Effect
· S/ Substitute first word with second
· SAGE Word added to a post to stop it getting bumped
· SMEG All purpose swear word
· TEH The
Used to emphasise the next word
· TFFW Too Funny For Words
· TTFW Too Tacky For Words
· WORD Ok, I agree, hey
· WORD UP OK, I agree
· WORDS Response to something you don't care about
· WOTD Word Of The Day
· WOTS Word On The Street
· WPM Words Per Minute
· ~ Denotes Sarcasm
Put At The End Of A Word To Make It Longer
Other terms relating to 'mouth':
· GOB Mouth
· HTM Hand To Mouth
· ITM In the Mouth
· LM Loud Mouth
· NBM Nil By Mouth
Not Before Midnight
· PMIGBOM Put Mind In Gear, Before Opening Mouth!
· QAQ teary eyes with mouth open
· SYM Shut Your Mouth
So You Mad?
· WMMOWS Wash My Mouth Out With Soap!
· WYM Watch Your Mouth
What You Mean?
Other terms relating to 'email':
· 419 Nigerian Email Scam
· BEF Best Enemies Forever
Best Email Friend
· CYE Check Your Email
· EDDRESS Email address
· EMAIL Electronic Mail
· FWD Foward (Email)
· GMAIL Google web email service
· POP3 Post Office Protocol v3 (for email)
· PSA. Please See Attached - Used in company Emails, much like PSB
· SPAM Unsolicted email


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