The slang word / acronym / abbreviation SAGE

What does SAGE mean?

This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of SAGE (SAGE acronym/abbreviation/slang word).

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What is SAGE?

SAGE is "Word added to a post to stop it getting bumped"

SAGE Definition / SAGE Means

The definition of SAGE is "Word added to a post to stop it getting bumped"

The Meaning of SAGE

SAGE means "Word added to a post to stop it getting bumped"
So now you know - SAGE means "Word added to a post to stop it getting bumped" - don't thank us. YW!
What does SAGE mean? SAGE is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the SAGE definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'sage':
· 121 MESSAGES One-Two-One as in having a(One To One) personal conversation
Other terms relating to 'word':
· & Ampersand
Represents The Word 'And'
· 1234 1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you (I Love You)
· 143 I Love You (letters in each word)
· 14344 I Love You Very Much (letters in each word)
· 153 I Adore You (letters in each word)
· 3436 I'll Love You Always (number of letters in each word)
· 381 I Love You (3 words, 8 letters, 1 meaning)
· 637 Always and Forever (letters in each word)
· 721 Love You (7 letters, 2 words, 1 meaning)
· 831 I Love You (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning)
· ANFAWFOS And Now For A Word From Our Sponsor
· ASDFGHJKL;' When A Feeling Cannot Be Expressed In Words
Home Keys On Standard Keyboard
· BOBBA Replacement swear word
· CRAB Derogatory word for a CRIP
· FLW Famous Last Words
· FRAK Swear word from Battlestar Galactica
· FROG Offensive word for a French person
· IOW In Other Words
· MEME An idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc
· MERP Meaningless word for when you don't know what else to say
· MTW Mum's the Word
· NAFF Poor quality, uncool
Substitute swear word
· NSAW Not Saying A Word
· OOPS Word said after doing something wrong
· OWTTE Or Words To That Effect
· S/ Substitute first word with second
· SMEG All purpose swear word
· TEH The
Used to emphasise the next word
· TFFW Too Funny For Words
· TTFW Too Tacky For Words
· WORD Ok, I agree, hey
· WORD UP OK, I agree
· WORDS Response to something you don't care about
· WOTD Word Of The Day
· WOTS Word On The Street
· WPM Words Per Minute
· ~ Denotes Sarcasm
Put At The End Of A Word To Make It Longer
Other terms relating to 'added':
· VAT Value Added Tax
Other terms relating to 'post':
· /AC Anti-Capitalist. Used to preface the posting of a comment or article that is im
· ABP Already Been Posted
· AUP Another Useless Post
Acceptable Use Policy
· BTT Bump To Top (forum posts)
· BUMP Bring Up My Post
· COPYPASTA Post that has been copied and pasted
· DNP Do Not Post
· DWP Drunk While Posting
· FYP Fixed Your Post
· IAWTP I Agree With This Post
· IKYP I'll Keep You Posted
· IPC Ignore Post Count
· IWP Independently wealthy poster. A person who lives off of passive investment and h
· KMP Keep Me Posted
· KYP Keep You Posted
· LURK Read a forum but never post
· LURKER Forum follower who never posts
· MLYP Much Like Your Post
· NEF Person who posts pointless messages on forums
· OP Original Poster
· PAP Post A Picture
· PEWS Post Election Withdrawal Syndrome
· PMC Post Meal Cigarette
· POP3 Post Office Protocol v3 (for email)
· POST Hang out
· POTD Post Of The Day
· POTY Post Of The Year
· PPD Post Potter Depression
· PPS Post-Post Script
· PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
· PX Post Exchange
Part Exchange
· QFP Quoted For Posterity
· RAINCHECK Postponement
· RWP Random Wall Post
· SIAP Sorry If Already Posted
· SNAIL MAIL Regular postal service
· T4P Thanks For Posting
· TGP Thumbnail Gallery Post
· TWEET A post on Twitter
· TWEETER Person who posts on Twitter
· USPS United States Postal Service
· WKYP Will Keep You Posted
· WWJP What Would Jesus Post?
· ^ Refer To The Above Posted In The Chat
Other terms relating to 'stop':
· 99 Parent stopped watching
· CSL Can't stop laughing
· ICSL I Couldn't/Can't Stop Laughing
· ICSTAY I Can't Stop Thinking About You
· KNOCK IT OFF Stop it
· SALTS Smiled A Little Then Stopped
· SAM Stop Annoying Me
· SI Stop It
Stupid Idiot
· SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act
· STAHP Stop
· STOPE Awesome, cool
Other terms relating to 'getting':
· FITTIN TO About to, getting ready to
· FIXIN TO About to, getting ready to
· GSD Getting Stuff Done
· GTD Getting Things Done
· GTR Getting Ready


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