
The slang word / acronym / abbreviation LLH

What does LLH mean?

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What is LLH?

LLH is "Laughing Like Hell"

LLH Definition / LLH Means

The definition of LLH is "Laughing Like Hell"

The Meaning of LLH

LLH means "Laughing Like Hell"
So now you know - LLH means "Laughing Like Hell" - don't thank us. YW!
What does LLH mean? LLH is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the LLH definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'laughing':
· :-D Laughing
Big Smile
· :L Laughing
· ALOL Actually Laughing Out Loud
· BAGL Bust A Gut Laughing
· CBLTH Can't Breathe Laughing Too Hard
· CREASING Laughing
· CSL Can't stop laughing
· DOFL Dying On Floor Laughing
· FOCL Falling Off Chair Laughing
· FOFL Falling On Floor Laughing
· FOMCL Falling Off My Chair Laughing
· HAFL Heart Attack From Laughing
· IAL I Ain't Laughing
I Actually Laughed
· ICSL I Couldn't/Can't Stop Laughing
· KML Killing Myself Laughing
· KMSL Killing Myself Laughing
· L2MS Laughing To Myself
· LAL Laughing A Lot/Little
· LALB Laughing A Little Bit
· LATM Laughing At The Moment
· LAU Laughing At You
· LBS Laughing But Serious
Pounds (weight)
· LBVS Laughing But Very Serious
· LHH Laughing Hella Hard
· LI Laughing Inside
· LIMB Laughing In My Brain
· LIMH Laughing In My Head
· LIMM Laughing In My Mind
· LIRL Laughing In Real Life
· LIS Laughing In Silence
· LMCO Laughing My Cats Off
· LMHO Laughing My Head Off
· LMPO Laughing My Pants Off
· LMSO Laughing My Socks Off
· LOI Laughing On the Inside
· LOL Laughing Out Loud
· LOL. Laughing Out Loud
· LOLING The act of laughing out loud
· LOLOL Lots Of Laughing Out Loud
· LOOL Laughing Outlandishly Out Loud
· LOTI Laughing On The Inside
· LOVL Laughing Out Very Loud
· LQI Laughing Quietly Inside
· LQL Laughing Quite Loudly
· LQTM Laughing Quietly To Myself
· LQTMS Laughing Quietly To Myself
· LQTY Laughing Quietly To Yourself
· LRL Laughing Really Loud
· LSH Laughing So Hard
· LSHIC Laughing So Hard I'm Crying
· LSHIDMT Laughing So Hard I Drop My Taco
· LSHMBH Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
· LSMIH Laughing So Much It Hurts
· LSTM Laughing Silently To Myself
· LTM Laughing To Myself
· LTMQ Laughing To Myself Quietly
· LTMS Laughing To Myself
· LWP Laughing With Passion
· NLM No Laughing Matter
· NOZ Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
· OTFL On The Floor Laughing
· PIMPL Pee In My Pants Laughing
· QL Cool
Quietly Laughing
· RAWL Roll Around While Laughing
· ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing
· ROFLH Rolling On Floor Laughing Histsrically
· ROFLMFAO <-- Click To View
· ROFLOL Rolling On Floor, Laughing Out Loud
· ROLF Rolling On Laughing Floor
· ROTF Rolling On The Floor (laughing is implied)
· ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
· ROTFLOL Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
· ROTGL Rolling On The Ground Laughing
· SLOL Seriously Laughing Out Loud
· SMHL Shaking My Head Laughing
· TLOL Truly Laughing Out Loud
· TOL Thinking Out Loud
Thinking Of Laughing
· WKWKWKW imitating laughing sounds in Indonesia, it is shortened form of 'wakakakaka' whi
Other terms relating to 'like':
· 420 FRIENDLY Person who likes smoking pot
· BCE Before Common Era (like BC)
· BFFLE Best Friends For Like Ever
· BGL Big Game License, likes fat people
· BILB Bend It lIke Beckham
· BLG Boys Like Girls (band)
· BRODA Bro Who Is Like Yoda
· CHOOB High level player who acts like a noob
· DEALING Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend
Selling drugs
· DFLI Don't Feel Like It
· DIG Understand
Enjoy, like
· DILLIC Does It Look Like I Care
· DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Darn?
· DYL Do You Like...?
· E> Heart like <3
· ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5
· FREEBSD Free Berkeley Software Distribution (Unix like OS)
· GLAG Giggling Like A Girl
· GLU Guys/Girsl Like Us
· IDFLI I Don't Feel Like It
· IDL I Don't Like ...
· IDLI I Don't Like It
· IDLT I Don't Like That
· IDLTW I don't like this website.
· IKLY I Kinda Like You
· ILT I Like That
· ILYLAS I Love You Like A Sister
· IRLY I Really Like You
· IYQ I Like You
· JLT Just like that
· LDO Like Duh, Obviously
· LHYW Like Hell You Will
· LIC Like I Care
· LIEK Like
· LIKE Introduction to a quote
same as UM
· LILABOC Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates
· LLC Limited Liability Company
Laughing Like Crazy
· LMS Like My Status
Last Man Standing
· LNIB Like New In Box
· LULAB Love You Like A Brother
· LULAS Love You Like A Sister
· LYKE Like
· LYLAB Love You Like A Brother
· LYLAF Love You Like A Friend
· LYLAS Love You Like A Sister
· LYLC Love You Like Crazy
· LYLMB Love You Like My Brother
· ME GUSTA I like (Spanish)
· MEETER Person who likes to look at fat men
· MEME An idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc
· MLYP Much Like Your Post
· NILF <-- Click To View
· NOLY No One Likes You
· OSLT Or Something Like That
· OTL like ORZ stick figure on hands and knees
Out To Lunch
· OWLING Crouching and staring like an owl
· PANTHER Woman who likes older men
· PLU People Like Us
· PSA. Please See Attached - Used in company Emails, much like PSB
· RIYL Recommended If You Like
· RLAB Roll Like A Buffalo
· SLAP Sounds Like A Plan
· SLF Sounds Like Fun
· SWEAT Like, love
· SWPL Stuff White People Like
· T(“ T) Emoticon looking like someone holding up their middle fingers
· TILII Tell It Like It Is
· TOMBOY Girl who behaves like a boy
· TQM Te Quiero Mucho (I Like You A Lot)
· VJ Video Jockey (like DJ with lights and video)
· WHITEWASH Act like a white person
· WLTM Would Like To Meet
· WYL Whatever You Like
· WYLABOCTGWTR Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With That Remark?
· WYLASOMWTC Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With That Comment?
· WYLION Whether You Like It Or Not
· WYLSCWTW Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?
· YQ I Like You
Other terms relating to 'hell':
· 4377 Hell in LEET
· 81 Hells Angels (HA 8th and 1st letter)
· AYYO Hi, hello
· BAH Bored As Hell
· BH Be Happy
Bloody Hell
Big Head
· BOMBSHELL Very attractive woman
· BTHO Beat The Hell Outta
· BTHOM Beats The Hell Outta Me!
· BWTH But What The Hell
· CTHU Crack The Hell Up
· ELLO Hello
· G'DAY Good Day, hello
· G2H Go To Hell
· GTH Go To Hell
· GTHO Get The Hell Out
· H.O.E Hell On Earth
· H2IK Hell If I Know
· HELLA Really, very
· HEY Hello, hi
· HEYO Hello
· HGB Hellogoodbye (band)
· HI Hello
· HIIK Hell If I Know
· HIYA Hello
· HOLA Hello
· HTH Hope That Helps
How The Hell
· HY Hell Yes
· ITE Alright? (Hello)
· IYA Hiya, hello
· JAMBO Hello (Swahili)
· LH Living Hell
· LHH Laughing Hella Hard
· LHYW Like Hell You Will
· LO Hello
Little One
· NIHAO Hello (Chinese)
· NWIH No Way In Hell
· OHIM Oh Hell, It's Monday
· OHN Oh Hell, No!
· ORITE Alright, hello
· RIH Rot In Hell
· SLM Salaam (hello)
· SLT Salut, hello
· STHU Shut The Hell Up
· SYIH See You In Hell
· THWU To Hell With You
· WDH What Da Hell
· WITH Where In The Hell
· WTH What/Where/Who The Hell
· WTHAY Who The Hell Are You?
· WTHAYDWMM What the hell are you doing with my man
· WTHC Who The Hell Cares?
· WTHIGO What The Hell Is Going On?
· WTHIT What The Hell Is That?
· WTHIWWY What The Hell Is Wrong With You?
· WTHRU Who The Hell Are You?
· YELLO Hello


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