Web Abbreviations beginning M

· MLP My Little Pony
· MLRS same as MLAS
· MLS My Life Sucks
· MLTR Multiple Long Term Relationships
· MLYP Much Like Your Post
· MM Married Man
· MM2 Message Mode 2 (CS)
· MMA Meet Me At...
· MMAMP Meet Me At My Place
· MMAO Make Me An Offer
· MMC MultiMedia Card
· MMD Make My Day
· MMH Meet Me Halfway
· MMI Me Myself and I
· MMJ Medical Marijuana
· MML Made Me Laugh
· MMM Expression of pleasure or contentment
· MMO Short for MMORPG
· MMOFPS Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter
· MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
· MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
· MMT Makes Me Think
· MMV Mileage May Vary
· MNC Mobile Network Code
· MNF Monday Night Football
· MNM Eminem (rapper)
· MNT Maybe Next Time
· MO Modus Operandi (method of operation)
· MO PO Mounted Police
· MOAB Mother of All Bombs
Massive Ordnance Air Blast

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