Web Abbreviations beginning L

· LMA Leave Me Alone
· LMAD Let's Make A Deal
· LMAM Leave Me A Message
· LMAP Leave Me Alone Please
· LMC Let Me Check
Let Me See
· LMCO Laughing My Cats Off
· LMFAOOO Very funny
· LMG Light Machine Gun
· LMGTFY Let Me Google That For You
· LMHO Laughing My Head Off
· LMIRL Let's Meet In Real Life
· LMK Let Me Know
· LML Love My Life
· LMO Leave Me Alone
· LMOA Misspelling of LMAO
· LMPO Laughing My Pants Off
· LMR Last Minute Resistance
· LMS Like My Status
Last Man Standing
· LMSO Laughing My Socks Off
· LMT Let Me Think
· LMTAL Let Me Take A Look
· LNF Life's Not Fair
· LNIB Like New In Box
· LNK Love And Kisses
· LNT Leave No Trace
· LO Hello
Little One
· LOA Leave of Absence
· LOADED Drunk, intoxicated
· LOAF Head
· LOB Throw
Line Of Business
· LOC Library Of Congress

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