
The slang word / acronym / abbreviation LOFL

What does LOFL mean?

This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of LOFL (LOFL acronym/abbreviation/slang word).

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What is LOFL?

LOFL is "Laughing Out F***ing Loud"

LOFL Definition / LOFL Means

The definition of LOFL is "Laughing Out F***ing Loud"

The Meaning of LOFL

LOFL means "Laughing Out F***ing Loud"
So now you know - LOFL means "Laughing Out F***ing Loud" - don't thank us. YW!
What does LOFL mean? LOFL is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the LOFL definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'laughing':
· :-D Laughing
Big Smile
· :L Laughing
· ALOL Actually Laughing Out Loud
· BAGL Bust A Gut Laughing
· CBLTH Can't Breathe Laughing Too Hard
· CREASING Laughing
· CSL Can't stop laughing
· DOFL Dying On Floor Laughing
· FOCL Falling Off Chair Laughing
· FOFL Falling On Floor Laughing
· FOMCL Falling Off My Chair Laughing
· HAFL Heart Attack From Laughing
· IAL I Ain't Laughing
I Actually Laughed
· ICSL I Couldn't/Can't Stop Laughing
· KML Killing Myself Laughing
· KMSL Killing Myself Laughing
· L2MS Laughing To Myself
· LAL Laughing A Lot/Little
· LALB Laughing A Little Bit
· LATM Laughing At The Moment
· LAU Laughing At You
· LBMO Laughing My Butt Off
· LBS Laughing But Serious
Pounds (weight)
· LBVS Laughing But Very Serious
· LHAO Laughing His/Her Ass Off
· LHH Laughing Hella Hard
· LI Laughing Inside
· LIMB Laughing In My Brain


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