
The slang word / acronym / abbreviation VHS

What does VHS mean?

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What is VHS?

VHS is "Video Home System"

VHS Definition / VHS Means

The definition of VHS is "Video Home System"

The Meaning of VHS

VHS means "Video Home System"
So now you know - VHS means "Video Home System" - don't thank us. YW!
What does VHS mean? VHS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the VHS definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'video':
· AMV Anime Music Video
· AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd
· AVI Audio Video Interleaved (media format)
· DIVX Video format
· DVDRIP Video copied from a DVD
· DVR Digital Video Recorder
· FMV Full Motion Video
· FPS First-Person Shooter (video game term)
· GAMER Person who plays video games
· KVM Keyboard, Video, Mouse
· MV Music Video
· NTSC National Television System Committee video standard
· OVA Original Video Animation
· PV Promotional Video
· PVR Personal Video Recorder
· RICK ROLL Trick someone with a link to Rick Astley video
· ROCKBAND Music video game
· SNK Video game company
· VCD Video Compact Disc
· VCR Video Cassette Recorder
· VG Video Game
Very Good
· VGA Video Graphics Array/Adaptor
· VGM Video Game Music
· VH1 Video Hits One (TV channel)
· VID Video
· VJ Video Jockey (like DJ with lights and video)
· VLOG Video Log
· VLOGGER Video blogger
· VMA Video Music Awards
· VOD Video-On-Demand
· VT Video Tape
· VTR Video Tape Recorder
· WMV Windows Media Video
· XVID Video format
Other terms relating to 'home':
· (_8^(I) Homer Simpson
· BHL8 Be Home Late
· BHS Be Home Soon
· DHS Department of Homeland Security
Department of Health Services
· DIGS Home, lodgings
· DYMHW Do your math homework
· ESE Friend, homeboy (Hispanic)
· HBO Home Box Office
· HGTV Home and Garden Television
· HMWK Homework
· HNOS Home Network Operating System
· HOA Home Owners Association
· HOMEBOY Closest friend
· HOMEGIRL Closest female friend
· HOMES Homeboy
· HOMEY Homeboy
· HOMIE Homeboy
· HSH Home Sweet Home
· HW Homework
· HWK Homework
· JGH Just Got Home
· LBH Let's Be Honest
Loser Back Home
· MHIF Math homework is fun
· OFH Old Folks' Home
· OMWH On My Way Home
· PHP Personal Home Page
· SAHD Stay At Home Dad
· SAHM Stay At Home Mom
· SAHW Stay At Home Wife
· SHANK Homemade knife
· SHIV Home made knife
· WAH Working At Home
· WAHM Work At Home Mom
· WFH Working From Home
· YARD Home
Other terms relating to 'system':
· BACS Bankers Automated Clearing System
· BBS Be Back Soon
Bulletin Board System
· BIOS Basic Input Output System
· CMS Content Management System
· DBMS Database Management System
· DOS Disk Operating System
Denial Of Service (attack)
Dad Over Shoulder
· EL Chicago's elevated rail system
· FSCK File System (Consistency) Check
· GPS Global Positioning System
· GSM Global System for Mobile communications
· HACK Break into computer systems or software
· HNOS Home Network Operating System
· MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
· MSDOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
· NES Nintendo Entertainment System
· NTFS New Technology File System
· NTSC National Television System Committee video standard
· OS Operating System
· SCSI Small Computer System Interface
· SNES Super Nintendo Entertainment System
· SOAD System Of A Down (Band)
· SYSOP System Operator
· UNIX Computer operating system
· VTEC Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control System
· XP Windows operating system
· YAWA Person who always uses the 'Away' status in IM systems


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