
The slang word / acronym / abbreviation UNIX

What does UNIX mean?

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What is UNIX?

UNIX is "Computer operating system"

UNIX Definition / UNIX Means

The definition of UNIX is "Computer operating system"

The Meaning of UNIX

UNIX means "Computer operating system"
So now you know - UNIX means "Computer operating system" - don't thank us. YW!
What does UNIX mean? UNIX is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the UNIX definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'unix':
· FREEBSD Free Berkeley Software Distribution (Unix like OS)
· GNU GNU's Not Unix, Linux OS
· SSH Secure Shell (Unix program)
Other terms relating to 'computer':
· *.* Every file on a computer
· AFC Away From Computer
· APP Application (computer program)
· ASM Assembly computer language
· BAC Back At Computer
Blood Alcohol Content
By Any Chance
· BYOC BYO Computer
· CACHE Store for temporary computer files
· CAD Computer Aided Design
· CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing
· CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart
· CG Computer Graphics
· CGI Computer-Generated Imagery
· CODE Computer program
Write a computer program
· DLL Dynamic Link Library (computer file)
· ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
· HACK Break into computer systems or software
· ID10T Computer error caused by user
· LAG Slow response (computer, internet)
· LAPPY Laptop computer
· NETWORK Two or more connected computers
· PATCH Correction applied to a computer program
· PC Politically Correct
Personal Computer
· PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
· PCMIA Personal Computer Manufacturer Interface Adaptor
· PEBCAC Problem Exists Between Chair And Computer
· PEER TO PEER Computer network without a central server
· PICNIC Problem In Chair Not In Computer
· PING Send a packet to a computer and wait for its return (Packet INternet Groper)
· PS/2 Computer port for keyboard or mouse
· SCSI Small Computer System Interface
· WORM Malicious computer program
Other terms relating to 'operating':
· DOS Disk Operating System
Denial Of Service (attack)
Dad Over Shoulder
· HNOS Home Network Operating System
· MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
· MSDOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
· OS Operating System
· SOP Standard Operating Procedure
· XP Windows operating system
Other terms relating to 'system':
· BACS Bankers Automated Clearing System
· BBS Be Back Soon
Bulletin Board System
· BIOS Basic Input Output System
· CMS Content Management System
· DBMS Database Management System
· DOS Disk Operating System
Denial Of Service (attack)
Dad Over Shoulder
· EL Chicago's elevated rail system
· FSCK File System (Consistency) Check
· GPS Global Positioning System
· GSM Global System for Mobile communications
· HACK Break into computer systems or software
· HNOS Home Network Operating System
· MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
· MSDOS Microsoft Disk Operating System
· NES Nintendo Entertainment System
· NTFS New Technology File System
· NTSC National Television System Committee video standard
· OS Operating System
· SCSI Small Computer System Interface
· SNES Super Nintendo Entertainment System
· SOAD System Of A Down (Band)
· SYSOP System Operator
· VHS Video Home System
· VTEC Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control System
· XP Windows operating system
· YAWA Person who always uses the 'Away' status in IM systems


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