
The slang word / acronym / abbreviation POMO

What does POMO mean?

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What is POMO?

POMO is "Permanent Open Market Operations" or "Post Modern" or "A Group Of Native American People In California"

POMO Definition / POMO Means

The definition of POMO is "Permanent Open Market Operations" or "Post Modern" or "A Group Of Native American People In California"

The Meaning of POMO

POMO means "Permanent Open Market Operations" or "Post Modern" or "A Group Of Native American People In California"
So now you know - POMO means "Permanent Open Market Operations" or "Post Modern" or "A Group Of Native American People In California" - don't thank us. YW!
What does POMO mean? POMO is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the POMO definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'permanent':
· VTPR View To Permanent Relationship
Other terms relating to 'open':
· FOSS Free and Open Source Software
· NNTO No Need To Open
· OSS Open Source Software
· OU Open University
· PMIGBOM Put Mind In Gear, Before Opening Mouth!
· QAQ teary eyes with mouth open
Other terms relating to 'market':
· JDM Japanese Domestic Market
· MLM Multi-Level Marketing
Middle finger (mlm)
· SEM Search Engine Marketing
Other terms relating to 'operations':
· D-DAY 6th June 1944
Designated day when operations are due to commence
· OPS Operations
· OPSEC Operations Security
· SOCOM Special Operations Command
Other terms relating to 'post':
· /AC Anti-Capitalist. Used to preface the posting of a comment or article that is im
· ABP Already Been Posted
· AUP Another Useless Post
Acceptable Use Policy
· BTT Bump To Top (forum posts)
· BUMP Bring Up My Post
· COPYPASTA Post that has been copied and pasted
· DNP Do Not Post
· DWP Drunk While Posting
· FYP Fixed Your Post
· IAWTP I Agree With This Post
· IKYP I'll Keep You Posted
· IPC Ignore Post Count
· IWP Independently wealthy poster. A person who lives off of passive investment and h
· KMP Keep Me Posted
· KYP Keep You Posted
· LURK Read a forum but never post
· LURKER Forum follower who never posts
· MLYP Much Like Your Post
· NEF Person who posts pointless messages on forums
· OP Original Poster
· PAP Post A Picture
· PEWS Post Election Withdrawal Syndrome
· PMC Post Meal Cigarette
· POP3 Post Office Protocol v3 (for email)
· POST Hang out
· POTD Post Of The Day
· POTY Post Of The Year
· PPD Post Potter Depression
· PPS Post-Post Script
· PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
· PX Post Exchange
Part Exchange
· QFP Quoted For Posterity
· RAINCHECK Postponement
· RWP Random Wall Post
· SAGE Word added to a post to stop it getting bumped
· SIAP Sorry If Already Posted
· SNAIL MAIL Regular postal service
· T4P Thanks For Posting
· TGP Thumbnail Gallery Post
· TWEET A post on Twitter
· TWEETER Person who posts on Twitter
· USPS United States Postal Service
· WKYP Will Keep You Posted
· WWJP What Would Jesus Post?
· ^ Refer To The Above Posted In The Chat
Other terms relating to 'modern':
· MW2  Modern Warfare 2 (game)
· MW3 Modern Warfare 3 (game)
Other terms relating to 'group':
· ALPHA Head person of a group
· AMOG Alpha Male Of Group
· CLIQUE Group of friends
· CUG Closed User Group
· GALDEM Group of girls
· GLF Group Looking For
· GRENADE Ugly girl in a group
· GYALDEM Group of girls
· HOG Harley Owner Group
· HOMIES Group Of Close Friends
· JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
Image file format
· LFG Looking For Group
· LRG Lifted Research Group (clothing)
· MANDEM Group of men, boys
· MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
Audio/visual file format
· OG Original Gangster (typical not an actual gangster, but just one of an original group)
· PEERS People in the same group, equals in age, background etc
· PUG Pick Up Group
· SNSD Sho Nyo Shi Dae (Girl's Generation) Korean girl group
· SPG Special Patrol Group
· WMG Warner Music Group
Other terms relating to 'native':
· CHUG Drink
Offensive term for a Native American
Other terms relating to 'american':
· AAA American Automobile Association
Battery size
· AARP American Association of Retired Persons
· ABC American Born Chinese
· ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
· AE American Eagle (clothing)
· AMC American Motors Corportation
· AMEX American Express
· AMTRAK American passenger railroad corporation
· ANSI American National Standards Institute
· AOL American Online
· ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
· ASPCA American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
· AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph
· CHUG Drink
Offensive term for a Native American
· JAP Jewish American Princess
Person from Japan
· NAMBLA North American Man/Boy Love Association
· NIKE American sportswear company
· PLIES American rapper
· YANK American
· YANKEE American
Other terms relating to 'people':
· ({)(}) Two People Hugging
· BGL Big Game License, likes fat people
· COUPLE Two people in a relationship
· CPT Colored People's Time
· HEADS People
· IDGHP I Don't Get Hashtag Phrases
I Don't Get His/Her Point
I Don't Generally Hate People
· IHP I Hate People
· JEJEMON People who type stupidly
· JUNGLE FEVER Attraction between people of different race
· M2FP My Two( three , four etc...) Favorite People
· MAPOTI Most Annoying People On The Internet
· NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
· NALOPKT Not A Lot Of People Know That.
· OPB Other People's Business
· OPK Other People's Kids
· OPM Other People's Money
· PEEPS People
· PEEPZ People
· PEERS People in the same group, equals in age, background etc
· PEPS People
· PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
· PLA People's Liberation Army
· PLP People Lazily Procrastinating
· PLU People Like Us
· PPL People
· PPLE People
· PPLZ People
· PRC People's Republic of China
· RIFRAF Common people, trailer trash
· SPQR Senatus Populusque Romanus (the Senate and the people of Rome)
· SWPL Stuff White People Like
· USER Someone who uses other people to gain an advantage
· WATP We Are The People
Other terms relating to 'california':
· CBI Californian Bureau of Investigation
Confederation of British Industry
· CHP California Highway Patrol
· CSU California State University
· LBC Long Beach, California
· NOCAL Northern California
· NORCAL Northern California
· UCLA University of California at Los Angeles
· USC University of Southern California


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