The slang word / acronym / abbreviation NATO

What does NATO mean?

This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of NATO (NATO acronym/abbreviation/slang word).

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What is NATO?

NATO is "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" or "No Action Talk Only"

NATO Definition / NATO Means

The definition of NATO is "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" or "No Action Talk Only"

The Meaning of NATO

NATO means "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" or "No Action Talk Only"
So now you know - NATO means "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" or "No Action Talk Only" - don't thank us. YW!
What does NATO mean? NATO is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the NATO definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'north':
· ENE Northerner
· GOG Person from north Wales
· NAMBLA North American Man/Boy Love Association
· NAWF North
· NOCAL Northern California
· NORCAL Northern California
· NOUT Nothing (northern UK)
· OBX Outer Banks North Carolina
· PNW Pacific North West
· QANTAS Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service
Other terms relating to 'organization':
· .ORG Top level domain for non-profit organizations
· NGO Non-Governmental Organization
· UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
· WHO World Health Organization
· WTO World Trade Organization
Other terms relating to 'action':
· APM Actions Per Minute
· CAS Close Air Support
Confidence, Appearance, Swagger
Creativity, Action, Service
· DERP Reply to stupid comment or action
· FNA For Necessary Action
· KIA Killed In Action
Know It All
· LARP Live Action Role Play
· LTMA Less Talk, More Action
· MIA Missing In Action
· NFA No Further Action
· POA Plan Of Action
· TNA Total Nonstop Action
· WIA Wounded In Action
Other terms relating to 'talk':
· BOGSAT Bunch Of Guys Sitting Around Talking
· CTN Can't Talk Now
· CTRN Cant Talk Right now
· DEGT Don't Even Go There (i.e. I don't want to talk about it)
· DTTM Don't Talk To Me
· DWTTAI Don't Want To Talk About It
· F2T Free To Talk
· GASSING Talking
· IDWTAI I Don't Wanna Talk About It
· LTMA Less Talk, More Action
· LTNT Long Time No Talk
· LWT Look Who's Talking
· NPNT No Picture, No Talk
· NTTU Not Talking To You
· POTS Parents Over The Shoulder (parents watching, I can't really talk)
· T2M Talk To Me
· T2T Time To Talk
· T2UL Talk To You Later
· T2YL Talk To You Later
· TABOO Forbidden, not talked about
· TL Talk Later
True Love
Team Leader
· TLK Talk
· TOMBOUT Talking About
· TTM Talk To Me
· TTML Talk To Me Later
· TTTH Talk To The Hand
· TTTTY Time To Talk To You
· TTUL Talk To You Later
· TTUS Talk To You Soon.
· TTUT Talk To You Tomorrow
· TTY Talk To You
· TTYF Talk To You Forever
· TTYIAB Talk To You In A Bit
· TTYITM Talk To You In The Morning
· TTYL Talk To You Later
· TTYM Talk to You Ma
· TTYN Talk To You Never
· TTYRS Talk To You Real Soon
· TTYS Talk To You Soon
· TTYT Talk To You Tomorrow
· TTYTMRW Talk To You Tomorrow (instead of 'TTYL (Talk To You Later)'
· TTYVS Talk To You Very Soon
· TWITA That's What I'm Talking About
· TWYL Talk With You Later
· WAFFLE Pointless talk
· WAYTA What Are You Talking About
· WDUWTA what do you wanna talk about
· WDYWTA What Do You Wanna Talk About
· WDYWTTA What Do You Want To Talk About?
· WNTT We Need To Talk
· WRUTA What Are You Talking About?
· WRYTA What Are You Talking About?
· WSWTA What Shall We Talk About?
· WTL Will Talk Later
· WUWTA What You Wanna Talk About?
· WUWTB What You Wanna Talk 'Bout?
· WYTA What You Talking About?
· WYWTA What You Wanna Talk About
· YTTM You Talk Too Much
You Talking To Me?
Other terms relating to 'only':
· 4YEO For Your Eyes Only
· AO Adults Only
· APO Authorized Personnel Only
· CDROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
· CINO Catholic/Christian In Name Only
· FMO For Members Only
· FOUO For Official Use Only
· FYEO For Your Eyes Only
· GOK God Only Knows
· GVO Good Vibes Only
· HHOJ Ha-Ha, Only Joking
· HHOK Ha-Ha, Only Kidding
· IFF If and only if
Identification: Friend or Foe
Internet Friends Forever
· IOIC If Only I Could
· IOYK If Only You Knew
· LOMO Lights Out, Missionary Only
· OGK Only God Knows
· OJ Only Joking
· OK Only Kidding
· OLOY Only Losers Obey Yolo
· OTO One Time Only
· OUO Official Use Only
· RINO Republican In Name Only
· SRO Standing Room Only
· TOAO The One And Only
· TOWIE The Only Way Is Essex
· YODO You Only Die Once
· YOLF You Only Live Forever
· YOLO You Only Live Once


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