
The slang word / acronym / abbreviation JGB

What does JGB mean?

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What is JGB?

JGB is "Just Got Back"

JGB Definition / JGB Means

The definition of JGB is "Just Got Back"

The Meaning of JGB

JGB means "Just Got Back"
So now you know - JGB means "Just Got Back" - don't thank us. YW!
What does JGB mean? JGB is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the JGB definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'just':
· DING Just hit new level in RPG
· DYJHIW Don't You Just Hate It When...
· FGJ For Great Justice
· FIG JAM <-- Click To View
· GJWHF Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
· GOLD DIGGER Person who loves someone just for their money
· GWWJH Guess Who Was Just Here
· HJNTIY He's Just Not That Into You
· IJAF It's Just A Fact
· IJDK I Just Don't Know
· IJG I Just Giggled
· IJK I'm Just kidding
· IJL I Just Laughed
· IJS I'm Just Saying
· IJWTK I Just Want To Know
· IJWTS I Just Want To Say
· J2LUK Just To Let You Know
· J2LYK Just To Let You Know
· J4F Just For Fun
· J4L Just for Laughs
· JAF Just A Friend
· JAFA <-- Click To View
· JAM Just A Minute.
· JAPAN Just Always Pray At Night
· JAS Just A Second
· JAT Just A Thought
· JATQ Just Answer The Question
· JBH Just Being Honest
· JBU Just Between Us
· JBY Just Be Yourself
· JDI Just Do It
· JDLR Just Doesn't Look Right
· JFF Just For Fun
· JFN Just For Now
· JFT Just For Today
· JFTR Just For The Record
· JFY Just For You
· JFYI Just For Your Information
· JGH Just Got Home
· JGI Just Google It
· JGL Just Get Lost
· JIC Just In Case
· JICYDK Just In Case You Didn't Know
· JJ Just Joking
· JK Just Kidding
· JKL Just Kidding Loser
Just Kidding, LOL
· JLMK Just Let Me Know
· JLT Just like that
· JLUK Just Letting You Know
· JLYK Just Letting You Know
· JM Just Messing
· JMA Just Messing Around
· JMHO Just My Humble Opinion
· JML Just My Luck
· JMO Just My Opinion
· JMS Just Making Sure
· JMT Just My Thoughts
· JN Just Now
· JOOC Just Out Of Curiosity
· JP Just Playin'
· JPA Just Playing Around
· JS Just Saying
· JSMN Just Shoot Me Now
· JSU Just Shut Up
· JSUK Just So You Know
· JSYK Just So You Know
· JTB Just Too Bad
· JTLUK Just To Let You Know
· JTLYK Just To Let You Know
· JTOL Just Thinking Out Loud
· JTOY Just Thinking Of You
· JTTY Just To Tell You
· JTUSK Just Thought You Should Know
· JUZ Just
· JW Just Wondering
· JWAS Just Wait And See
· JWG Just a Wild Guess
· JWTK Just Wanted To Know
· JWTLYK Just Wanted To Let You Know
· JWU Just Woke Up
· JWW Just Was Wondering
· LJBF Let's Just Be Friends
· NMHJC Not Much Happening Just Chilling
· NMJC Not Much Just Chat
· NMJCU Not Much, Just Chillin', U?
· NOSA No Sir, just kidding
· OG Original Gangster (typical not an actual gangster, but just one of an original group)
· SHORDY Someone's girl or girlfriend or if you're not dating yet then just the girl you'
· SIC Latin sicut (just as) - apparent mistake
· SJGR Shit Just Got Real
· SNIPE Bid on eBay just before the auction ends
· TANJ There Ain't No Justice
· YJLTG You Just Lost The Game
Other terms relating to 'back':
· B2B Back To Back
Business To Business
· B2W Back To Work
· BAC Back At Computer
Blood Alcohol Content
By Any Chance
· BAK Back At Keyboard
· BARE BACK Unprotected Sex
· BB Big Brother
Be Back
· BBAM Be Back After Meal
· BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
· BBIAF Be Back In A Few
· BBIAM Be Back In A Minute
· BBIAS Be Back In A Sec
· BBIAW Be Back In A While
· BBL Be Back Later
· BBML Be Back Much Later
· BBN Be Back Never
· BBS Be Back Soon
Bulletin Board System
· BBT Be Back Tomorrow
· BBWL Be Back Way Later
· BGM Background Music
· BIAB Back In A Bit
· BITD Back In The Day
· BMB Bebo Me Back
· BOT Back On Topic
· BOTN Back Of The Net
· BOTTS Back On To The Subject
· BRB Be Right Back
· BSB Backstreet Boys
· BSER Back Stabber
· BTK Back To Keyboard
· BTTF Back To The Future
· BTTT Back To The Top
· BTY Back To You
· BU Backup
· CMB Call Me Back
· DLB Don't Look Back
· DTB Don't Text Back
· ESB Empire Stikes Back (Star Wars)
· FLBP Future Lower Back Problems
· GBTM Get Back To Me
· GBTW Get Back To Work
· GOMB Get Off My Back
· GTBB Good To Be Back
· HB Hug Back
· HB Hurry Back
· HMB Hit Me Back (reply)
· HOLLA BACK Get Back To Me
· IB I'm Back
· IBB I'll Be Back
· IGYB I've Got Your Back
· IWBB I Will Be Back
· KTBSPA Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive
· LBH Let's Be Honest
Loser Back Home
· NBTW Now Back To Work
· NCB Never Coming Back
· NHB No Holding Back
No Holds Barred
· NIMBY Not In My Back Yard
· NOOPS Backward spoon
· PCB Printed Circuit Board
Please Come Back
· PEERS People in the same group, equals in age, background etc
· PTB Powers That Be
Pass The Buck
Please Text Back
· QB Quarter Back
· RBAU Right Back At You
· RBAY Right Back At You
· SNAKE Snitch, back stabber
· TB Text Back
· TMB Text Me Back
· WB Welcome Back
Write Back
· WBB Will Be Back
· WBS Write Back Soon
· WCB  Will Call Back
· WEBA Welcome Back
· WET BACK Illegal immigrant
· WYB Watch Your Back


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