The slang word / acronym / abbreviation RSS

What does RSS mean?

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What is RSS?

RSS is "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"

RSS Definition / RSS Means

The definition of RSS is "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"

The Meaning of RSS

RSS means "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"
So now you know - RSS means "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication" - don't thank us. YW!
What does RSS mean? RSS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the RSS definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'rich':
· GINGRICH Hypocrite
· HENRY High Earner, Not Rich Yet
· MINTED Rich, wealthy
· SUGAR DADDY Rich older man
· TRAW Thick, Rich And White
Other terms relating to 'site':
· BEBO A social networking site
· HI5 Social networking site
· LOS Line Of Site
· MYSPACE A social networking site
· NAPSTER File sharing site
· POF Plenty of Fish (dating site)
· TMZ Thirty Mile Zone (celebrity news site)
· TWITTER A social networking site
· WIKI Collaborative web site
Other terms relating to 'really':
· BIG Great, really good
· BNR But Not Really
· BOMB Something really bad
Something really good
· CRAY CRAY Really crazy
· FEENING Craving, wanting really badly
· H9 Really hate (H8+1)
· HELLA Really, very
· IDRC I Don't Really Care
· IDRK I Don't Really Know
· IMR I Mean, Really
· IRDC I Really Don't Care
· IRDK I Really Don't Know
· IRLY I Really Like You
· JONESING Craving, wanting really badly
· LORL Laugh Out Really Loud
· LRL Laughing Really Loud
· LYR Love You Really
· MAD Really, extremely
· NORLY No, Really?
· NWR No way, Really??
· O RLY Oh, Really?
· ORLY Oh Really
· ORN Oh Really Now
· PENG A LENG Really sexy, very fit
· POTS Parents Over The Shoulder (parents watching, I can't really talk)
· PSR Pretty Standard, Really
· RDC Really Don't Care
· RLY Really
· ROG Really Old Git
· SUPER Very, really
· TARFU Things Are Really Fouled Up
· THE BOMB Really cool
· TIRF That/This Is Really Funny
· YARLY Yeah Really
Other terms relating to 'simple':
· ASAT As Simple As That
· HSV2 Herpes Simplex Virus 2
· KIS Keep It Simple
· KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid
· SHM Simple Harmonic Motion
· SMOP Simple Matter Of Programming
· SMSD Simple Minds Seldom Differ
· SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol


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