The slang word / acronym / abbreviation HNY

What does HNY mean?

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What is HNY?

HNY is "Happy New Year"

HNY Definition / HNY Means

The definition of HNY is "Happy New Year"

The Meaning of HNY

HNY means "Happy New Year"
So now you know - HNY means "Happy New Year" - don't thank us. YW!
What does HNY mean? HNY is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the HNY definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'happy':
· >3 Evil but happy
Hate (opposite of <3)
· (: Happy
· /O/ Happy, arms in the air
· :) Happy
· :D Happy
· :DD Very happy
· :] Happy
· :{) Happy with a moustache
· =) Happy
· =] Happy
· BH Be Happy
Bloody Hell
Big Head
· C: Very happy
· DWBH Don't Worry, Be Happy
· HBD Happy Birthday
· HBTU Happy Birthday To You
· HBTY Happy Birthday To You
· HE Happy Ending
High Explosives
· HGL Happy Go Lucky
· HVD Happy Valentine's Day
· JUICED Happy, excited
· MHR Many Happy Returns
· OBHWF One Big Happy Weasely Family
· STOKED Very happy, excited
· UWU Happy Anime Face
· X) Happy, mischevious
· X] Happy
· YEHET Yes In Sehun's Happy Mode
· \O/ Happy, arms in the air
· ^.^ Happy
· ^W^ Happy
· ^^ Happy
Other terms relating to 'year':
· 2K15 Year 2015
· AD Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)
· CNY Chinese New Year
· DDMMYY Day Month Year
· FEENIN An Intense Craving Or Yearning
· GOTY Game Of The Year
· NIAMY Never In A Million Years
· NYD New Year's Day
· NYE New Years Eve
· POTY Post Of The Year
· STNY Same Time Next Year
· TDY Temporarily Deployed for a Year
· Y/O Year(s) Old
· Y2K Year 2000
· YRS Years
· YTD Year To Date


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